Meta-Switch Weight Loss System
Losing Weight Has Never Felt This Good!
Two amazing products, Switch Supplement Capsules and Be Fiber & Protein Bars, that are created to work together as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Making Meta-Switch part of your daily routine will help assist you with your weight management in a healthy manner - with no caffeine or other stimulants.
Meta-Switch is an innovative and unique weight loss system designed to:
Get you to your weight loss goals Satisfy hunger and cravings between meals Support a healthy metabolism Promote good digestive health Improve overall health and well-being
Be-Fiber & Protein Bar
The Be Fiber & Protein Bar is a delicious, nutritious and satisfying way to manage cravings between meals and keep you on track to meet your weight management goal.
With the Be Fiber & Protein Bar, weight loss can still be delicious. The Be Bar comes in two delectable flavors, Chocolate Coconut and Apple Cinnamon, and includes the ideal blend of soluble and insoluble fiber combined with protein to effectively:
- Help you feel full until your next meal
- Boost energy
- Regulate and cleanse the digestive system of waste and toxins
- Contribute to weight loss and healthy weight management
Fiber is believed to contribute to good health as it is one of the effective ways to keep your heart, liver, and digestive system clean, healthy, and working optimally. The plant-based protein assists in providing fuel as one of the body's energy sources. There are two types of fiber. They are both important to our health and well-being.
Soluble fiber is like a sponge. It absorbs water and helps trap fats, sugars, and cholesterol. Soluble fiber also slows down the rate of digestion of the foods consumed.
Insoluble fiber acts much like a broom. Rather than absorbing liquid and food components, it quickly moves through your system and helps clean the intestines. It helps prevent occasional constipation, helps move food, and speeds up the removal of toxins.
Weight Loss Concerns:Less Energy Increased cravings Too restrictive Jittery Unrealistic Not sustainable
The Meta-Switch Solution:Increased energy Feel "full" longer Flexible No jitters Adapts to your lifestyle Long term sustainable
* Important Notice: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.